Take a look at successful communicators and you’ll notice that, most of them have “communication savvy” and find it easy to sell themselves, their ideas, their strategies and their dreams.
Which one of these statements would you want your manager to say about you?
1. He is an excellent researcher, but lacks the “communication savvy” needed to sell his ideas.
2. He is an expert in his field and a very “savvy communicator” who can sell his ideas.
When it comes to communicating successfully, there are many basics to consider… the over-all message, spontaneous thinking, your words, the person or persons you are speaking with, the time and place of your meeting, your physical presentation, etc.
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Speech Coach Sandra McKnight will tell you that
Communication is still the # 1 key to personal and career success.
Communication – the human connection – is basic to the business world.
How many times have you heard “choose your words wisely and express them confidently”.
People ask me all the time, why I am so passionate about teaching people to speak clearly, powerfully, and confidently. The answer is simple: the “speaking voice matters”. It is important that your voice is heard.
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Today I would like to share my answer to the #1 question business people ask during their free voice analysis consultation
“What is the most important thing I can do right now to speak more persuasively and start getting more customers, clients and patients and making more money?”
As I am sure you understand, there is not a completely simple answer to this question, but I can give you three executive speaking skills that you MUST put in place, if you want to speak powerfully and persuasively with potential customers, and increase your bottom line.
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I am amazed at how many people don’t understand that the sound of their voice is directly connected to their success in life.
“The voice is the megaphone of the soul”, said ancient sages. Voice Power Studios’ translation, “The Voice is the megaphone of your Personal Power."
"It took me quite a long time to develop a voice and now that I have it I am not going to be silent.” Madelaine Albright, US Secretary of State.
When speaking professionally or personally, there are three voice skills that you need to project your Personal Power and communicate effectively.
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In an article on Forbes.com, "Warren was asked "What habits did you cultivate in your 20s and 30s that you see as the foundation of success?"
Buffett responded "You've got to be able to communicate in life and it's enormously important. If you can't communicate and talk to other people and get across your ideas, you're giving up your potential."
During their free voice analysis consultation, many of my executive clients have echoed Warren’s words. Yesterday Rob head of marketing for a popular tech company said, “I need to be a better speaker and convey my thoughts more effectively in order to take my career to the next level. How can you help me.”
Rob is not alone. There are many executives, CEO’s, managers, technology professionals, business owners, entrepreneurs, marketers, and salespeople struggling to convey their message clearly and succinctly in order to convince their customers, clients or patients of the virtues of their product or service.
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