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In an article on, "Warren was asked "What habits did you cultivate in your 20s and 30s that you see as the foundation of success?"

Buffett responded "You've got to be able to communicate in life and it's enormously important. If you can't communicate and talk to other people and get across your ideas, you're giving up your potential."

During their free voice analysis consultation, many of my executive clients have echoed Warren’s words. Yesterday Rob head of marketing for a popular tech company said, “I need to be a better speaker and convey my thoughts more effectively in order to take my career to the next level. How can you help me.”

Rob is not alone. There are many executives, CEO’s, managers, technology professionals, business owners, entrepreneurs, marketers, and salespeople struggling to convey their message clearly and succinctly in order to convince their customers, clients or patients of the virtues of their product or service.

Every day, when I speak with clients in their free voice analysis consultation I hear, “Why isn’t this required in college?” or after they take the 1 on 1 Executive Voice & Speech Coaching Program, “I wish I had taken a course like yours at the beginning my career.”

As I explained to Rob, our schools teach children grammar, vocabulary, and writing and if you are lucky how to give a speech. However we don’t teach people how to talk: how to project their voice and how to pronounce words powerfully and well.

Where do we learn how to talk? We imitate our parents who for the most part learn from their parents. Most men imitate the way their fathers speak and women imitate their mothers. You get your accent from the area of the world that you grew up in and you never give it another thought.

Then your boss tells you in a performance review that people aren’t listening to you: that you pause and say “ah” way too much, and that you mumble and generally sound unsure of yourself. The good news is that you can change the way you speak. All it takes is a voice coach and practice on your part. .

Once you have a deeper understanding of how fundamental your voice is to communicating effectively, both your professional and personal interactions will be more successful. Having control over your voice is the fundamental to speaking well and getting your message across succinctly and confidently in your business transactions.

My 1 on 1 Executive Voice and Speech Coaching program will give you control of your speaking voice which in turn will give you control over how you are perceived. The skills are permanent and applicable to any language.

Use your voice to change your life, advance your career and be more successful!

I explain the voice and speech skills and how they apply to your voice in much greater detail in your free 20 minute voice analysis consultation. Click here to sign up on line for your Voice Analysis Consultation.

Speak With Power and Confidence.        
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And the Voice Power Studios' Team