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Voice Power Studios Blog

Recently I attended a lecture by Bruce Lipton, PhD, celebrated cell biologist, a warm human being, the forerunner in the Science of Epigenetics and the author of the Biology of Belief. He began by stating that 95% of our behavior is controlled by subconscious programs acquired before the age of six and that neuroscience has established that the conscious mind is in charge only about 5% of the time. Wow!


Your Breath is Life & the Vitality of Your Voice.

Life is absolutely dependent upon the act of breathing and so is the quality of your voice tone. To breathe is to be alive. All animals and plants are dependent upon air for continued existence. One could say that your life is but a series of breaths. Breathing may be considered the most important of all the functions of the body because all the other functions depend on it and this includes YOUR SPEAKING VOICE.

I highly recommend the book, The Science of Breath by Yogi Ramacharaka, which is available at Yogi combines eastern and western philosophies of breathing in a very unique and highly understandable way and provides many specific breathing exercises for the health of our bodies and the production of our speaking voice.

Sign up for the Voice Power Studios’ May 11th free speaking skills tele-seminar and learn the voice skills necessary to be a persuasive, powerful and confident speaker in today’s highly competitive business world.

A great voice leads, motivates and sells your ideas. The internet, blogs, & emails are great communication tools; however, mastering your voice is what you need when it comes time to speak and to “seal the deal”.

Do you need a strong speaking voice to be successful in business?

I put this question to all the social networking executive groups to which I belong. Here is a response with which I totally agree. Many of our professional voices on American radio, TV and many of our celebrities don’t seem to be concerned with maintaining the high speaking standards set by Edward R.Murrow, Diane Sawyer, Walter Cronkite and James Earl Jones.

I feel “The King’s Speech” big win is a vote for the power of the human voice in the world. Speaking to an audience, whether it is 1 or 1000, is still the best and most effective way to lead, influence and motivate. When a leader speaks clearly, passionately, confidently and powerfully, you can determine his/her intentions, objectives, and attitudes.