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Voice Power Studios Blog

The Voice of a Spiritual Leader    

Harold an Episcopal minister lamented that more than one member of his congregation was nodding off. “I really admire the Baptist ministers whose congregations shout out ‘Amen’ during the service.  How can I speak with more passion”?

I remember sitting in this huge church listening to my childhood minister’s voice. It was low pitched and resonant and the sound flowed over me like a strong, gentle wave that inspired me to open my heart to his message.

John, head of training at a US State prison, hired me to train the voices of the new guard recruits. “Your objective is to train the guards to speak with the type of authority that commands respect from the inmates," he said.

He told me that many of the guard’s voices either go up in pitch or often sound excessively harsh when they feel unsure of a situation, feel threatened or get excited. “I want them to speak calmly and with authority." Tell me more John and let’s see what we all can do.

Several of Jack’s clients asked to be transferred to another business consultant within the national business consulting firm at which Jack worked. And his bosses told him that he was not assertive enough to command and keep his client’s attention.

“Some of your clients are asking to have a second opinion from another consultant because they don’t feel motivated enough by your communication style, and therefore have doubts about moving forward with your recommendations”.   Your analysis of their business problems and your well thought out action steps are fine. I’m sure that this is frustrating for you and it causes extra work and expense to the firm.

Meet Joan, a very successful lawyer who is next in line to be promoted to a VP in the XXX law firm. She is an expert in tax law and her expertise is in high demand in this mostly male law firm. What is her problem?

Joan told me, “I am terrified of public speaking and know that it is because of some pretty severe trauma from childhood. I have spent a lot of time in therapy working through a lot of my issues and I know that my fear is not rational however there is still the nagging fear of being judged and humiliated when I express myself “.

If you want to use your voice to be recognized in meetings, you need to clearly state your opinions and to   confidently express your innovative ideas. As a result you will be perceived as an up and coming leader. I know this sounds obvious; however, most people don’t have the confidence to speak up.  Why?

In elementary school most children wait until the teacher calls on them rather than volunteering their answers. They are reticent to raise their hands and speak out because they perceive that there is a risk of being ostracized or judged if what they say is the wrong answer. Many adults subconsciously still believe, for the very same reasons, that it is risk to express themselves.