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The Kings Speech” starring actor Collin Furth as King George VI of England is a true story about how King George VI found his own true voice. It is superbly written, acted and produced and has been nominated for many Golden Globe Awards.

I believe it takes great courage for one to find your own voice and to speak your own truth with power and confidence. Whether you have studied or are thinking of studying with Voice Power Studios I highly recommend you see this film and glimpse what studying voice is all about.

In the film King George VI has stammered rather badly from the age of 5. In 1938 at the beginning of World War II, he becomes the King of England and despite years of effort, he still stammers rather badly. An unconventional speech therapist born in Australia, played by Oscar winning actor Geoffrey Rush, helps King George find his voice and overcome his stammer.

During the film, you watch King George VI, work very diligently with breathing exercises, relaxation exercises, articulation exercises, pacing and phrasing in order to gain control of his speaking voice. It is great learning experience to watch actors, who have undoubtedly gone through this training early in their careers, demonstrate all these exercises.

Another dimension of the human voice, which I feel is just as important as the voice exercises, is also emphasized. At that time, 1938, most speech therapists worked with the technical/physical aspects of speaking; however King George’s speech therapist felt that one’s speech was also deeply affected by the emotional and psychological factors of one’s life. The film becomes absolutely riveting as King George begins to realize how his life experiences have affected his speech. And with his great perseverance and courage he overcomes his speech issues and gives many radio broadcasts and becomes the Voice of England’s Resistance during World War II. As he says in the film, I am the voice of the people of England, and I must speak well.

After seeing this film, one feels very lucky to not have a severe speaking impediment. However, it clearly shows you how improving your speaking voice gives you the power of the spoken word. When you speak with power and confidence, you will advance in your career and your personal life.

Are you ready to discover how you can improve your speaking voice by signing up for your 20-minute free voice analysis, or call 1-877-783-2455.