Voice Power Studios Blog

Lead, Motivate & Influence with our informative, enlightening & leading edge executive voice and speech Blog.

Our Awesome Clients

These are some of the clients Voice Power Studios has helped over the past 30 years.


$3495.00 - 1 payment that includes Tax and Fees and access to the Voice Power Studios Manual, Accent Reduction MP3 library and the Pocket Voice Coach App - $3495.00.


$3495.00 - 2 payments of $1747.50 that includes Tax and Fees and access to the Voice Power Studios Manual, Accent Reduction MP3 library and the Pocket Voice Coach App. 2 payments of $1747.50 every 4 weeks.


$3495.00 - 3 payments of $1165 that includes Tax and Fees and access to the Voice Power Studios Manual, Accent Reduction MP3 library and the Pocket Voice Coach App. 3 payments of $1165 every 20 days.


Speak with Confidence and Advance Your Career in Silicon Valley


Sandra McKcKnightSilicon Valley houses IT professionals from all over the world who speak English with an accent that may be keeping them from advancing in their career. As the owner of Voice Power Studios, I have worked to modify the Indian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Italian, Russian, Polish, Lebanese, Malaysian, French, and German, accents of my clients from Intel, Northrup Grumman, Microsoft, Caterpillar, Inc., and Computer Sciences Corporation.

Speaking clearly, concisely, and effectively with confidence is the key to unlocking many doors: in both business and personal relationships. In business you have technical presentations, technical overviews, sales presentations, stake holder meetings, teleconferences. The speaking opportunities increase as you advance in your company.

invisible wallAs you grow in your career, you need your co-workers, team members, senior executives, and clients to feel comfortable when you talk with them. This level of comfort comes from being easily understood and is vital to building the trust factor in business or personal relationships.

Today a Mandarin speaking client told me that people continually ask her to repeat herself and at first she thought that they wanted her to speak louder. It is hard for people to hear their own voice unless they record it and even then many people are surprised at how they sound. By the time, my client realized that her accent was the problem, the new acquaintance had already stopped interacting in the conversation and an invisible communication wall went up.

Most of us don’t want to admit that we don’t like to be bothered listening to not only heavily accented speech but also a whining, complaining, or nagging tone.Other offensive speaking patterns include a high-pitched or squeaky voice, a loud and grating voice, a mumbler, very fast talkers, a weak and wimpy voice, and a flat and monotone tone.

For further information on the influence your voice has on others, please take a look at a 2012
study by Quantified Impressions that was published in the Wall Street Journal. It was found that a person’s voice tone had two times more influence on the listener’s first impression than the message itself.  And for example in the same article it was reported that CEOs with lower-pitched voices made on average $187,000 more than their higher-pitched counterparts.

Someone stops listeningWhen someone stops listening, it is hard to sell an idea or to close a deal. On the part of my clients with accents, there is a feeling of embarrassment, frustration, and some have told me that they feel the listener is impatient, and/or prejudice towards them. In the business world having a heavy accent is often not mentioned, except by an aware manager in a performance review. However, it is acted upon in many subtle and not so subtle ways.

Having worked with many foreign speaking clients, they have told me that they are concerned that their fellow countrymen will not be told that their accent is a communication barrier that is holding them back from achieving the success, recognition and salary they deserve.

To me this accent modification issue is a simple fix. Accent modification is not that difficult for most people who speak English fluently. It takes awareness, focus and practice to improve your American Accent and after 3 to 4 months the persuasive effect of your new voice will speak for itself.

To that end, in the beginning of Aug, I will be in Silicon Valley, conducting a Speak with Confidence, and Advance Your Career workshop for the Silicon Valley Indian Professionals Association, www.sipa.org If you are in the area and wish to register, go to their website, www.sipa.org or contact me at

To sign up for an accent reduction consultation with Sandra, Click Here.

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Voice Power Studios Podcasts Episodes


"Communication Savvy" - Vital Career Skill in 2016

Successful communicators have Communication Savvy.
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The Speaking Voice Matters

It is important that your voice is heard.
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#1 Question Asked By Business Professionals & Executives

The Answer to to the question most business people ask.
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The Hidden Secret To Higher Profits No One Talks About

Because no one talks about it...not even the leadership and sales gurus

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One Sure-Fire Way to Get People to Know, Like, Trust and Buy from You.

“People buy people,” “People buy from people they like, know and trust.”
In the words of Nick Nanton, a leading expert of personal branding and a top thought leader in the world.
“How people speak to other people makes a big difference as to whether people like, know and trust each other”.
In the words of Sandra McKnight, renowned international expert in the speaking voice.

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Could this simple thing be stopping you from achieving more?

“Why do you want to succeed?” That is the question I ask all of my clients in their voice power training.
You want to have enough money to have the freedom to do whatever you want in life

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How to Sell with Your Voice, the Magic Power!

Selling with your voice is easy! When you sound open, professional and engaging,
people will relax, listen and be much more inclined to buy.

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How to Sell with Your Voice, Unleash the Magic!

Your vocal sound is what people react to first and then they listen to what you’re saying, Your voice is an important and
determining factor as to whether someone buys.

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You were given your Voice for Free, how well are you using it?

When it comes to money people are pretty nervous especially these days, and outstanding communication is essential.
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How your Voice can Build Client Relationships.

The most powerful way to build new client relationships and retain established ones, is to use your voice.
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How Katie and Marsha changed their voices and advanced their careers.

With a little knowledge and practice you can speak well and advance in your career.
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Why Everyone needs a Voice Analysis & a Personal Voice Coach.

A confident, clear, powerful voice is the key that enables you to persuade and influence.
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Speak with Confidence and Advance Your Career in Silicon Valley.

Sandra McKnight Live in Silicon Valley.
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Reduce Your Accent and Break Through the Corporate Glass Ceiling.

Pure and simple everyone has an accent and the goal is to be easily and readily understood by the people in the country
in which you are living and working.
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When you Speak do you Captivate the Audience?

No matter your role in life you are constantly using your voice to influence others and the vehicle for
great communication is a great voice that can captivate an audience.
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One Powerful Speech Skill to Keep Your Competitive Edge!

Project, Project, Project! Come across vividly, make a memorable impression and have the competitive edge
over all the other speakers in the room.
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Can Your Voice Stop Your Career Part I.

This podcast story is about a man who was unaware of the hidden message in his voice.
By applying a few simple speaking voice techniques he was able to speak with a more confident, engaging and persuasive voice.
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Can Your Voice Stop Your Career" Part II.
How hidden messages in your voice stop your career.

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Can Your Voice Stop Your Career" Part III.
How shyness in your voice stop your career.

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The Voice of Our Spiritual Leaders.
The nature of the profession demands that they develop and use their voices to uplift people and
hold forth the vision of their particular faith
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Can a "Marilyn Monroe" Voice Stop Your Career" Part IV.
Get Your Speaking Voice Ready for 2013.

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How To Speak for Success in 2013.
Would you tell someone who needs to speak in public and/or business settings, that they’re voice is hard to understand?

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Can a "Wheel Chair Voice" Stop Your Career?
How a physically disabled person's voice can level the playing field.

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How a Great Voice Can Close More Sales
3 tips that can help your sales force close more sales.
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How You Can Get Rich By Improving Your Speaking Voice
Knowing how to control your voice is a powerful tool that gives you a competitive edge in the business world.
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How To Use Your Voice To Land A New Job or Advance Your Career
With the economy getting better and more hiring taking place learn to use your voice to pass a telephone interview.
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How Does A Heavy Accent Stop Your Career?
If they can't understand you, you may not be promoted.
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3 Ways Your Speaking Voice WIll Stop Your Career
3 common examples that may be hidden in your speaking voice.
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One Modern Speech Habit that Usually Causes Bad Results
Slowing down your speaking rate and speaking clearly is just the start of overcoming the bad habit.
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One Ancient Speech Secret That Gets Great Results
Good breath support for your speaking voice is what many of us today in our hurried world often ignore.
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To Subscribe to Voice Power Studios Podcasts Click on the Podcast logo below.


What Our Customers Say

These are some of our clients who have worked with Sandra McKnight and have achieved outstanding results.

Sandra McKnight's coaching and practical exercises made me improve my oral communication, expanding and enpowering my voice. With the techniques I learned, I can better express and communicate my ideas, my passion, in front of a group or person, in business or social meetings, with more clarity and confidence.
Divaldo Suzuki
Immediately after the first class I noticed a dfference in how I controlled my voice and pitch while conducting my meetings. The focused breathing and specifically talking on the exhale was an eye opener. I am looking forward to the next lesson!
Sr. Product Marketing Manager - AT&T
Sandra has really helped me and others in our organization to get our messages across clearly and effectively to our people.
Keith Reese
Vice President - Intel
Sandra is a fantastic speaking coach that you should line up to have in your corner. I signed up for the executive speaking lessons and she took me through a remarkable journey.
Nagaraj Shyam
Support - Symantec